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betty's stretching

In this type of training we work on the whole body, starting immediately the work on the mat.
In the first part we focus on the middle and lower body area, then we go up to perform exercises for the middle and upper body.

During the lesson we combine mobilization exercises, active and passive stretching.

Benefits of stretching:

Increases flexibility and elasticity of muscles and tendons;

· Reduces muscle tension;

Improves articular excursion, the balance between antagonist muscle and     agonist, consequently the movement capacity and consequently

Improve posture 

· Prevents muscle and tendon trauma;

Slows down the calcification of the connective tissue;

Improves blood circulation;

· Promotes coordination in movements;

· Improve your body awareness;

Reduces Stress:

Course suitable for all women and men

Frequency: 2 times a week

elisabetta badiello

Iyengar © yoga is named after the master bks Iyengar who was the greatest and most influential teacher in the field of yoga. Named among the 100 most influential people in the world by time magazine, he is responsible for the spread of yoga in the West.

In over ninety years of life entirely dedicated to the discipline, Iyengar has deepened the study of positions (asana) and breath (pranayama).

The method pays particular attention to alignment, symmetry, precision in execution, sequence and duration of the positions. In short, the effects of the practice are felt not only on a physical level, with the acquisition of greater flexibility, mobility and widespread well-being, but they also act on an emotional and mental level.  

A feature of the Iyengar method is the use of tools.

With the intention of making everyone participate in the benefits of yoga, Iyengar was the first to introduce the use of tools such as wooden blocks, blankets, belts, cushions, chairs, stools that allow practitioners to stay longer in a position, reaping the benefits at deeper levels. This way even the physically weaker can stay long enough to achieve the desired effects on the organs.

Iyengar teachers obtain the certification directly from Pune, India, after at least three years of practice plus three / four years of course at the end of which they take a qualification exam. From that moment on, however, they have the obligation to maintain constant training through courses, in-depth seminars and studies

Course suitable for all women and men

Frequency: 2 times a week


Masterstretch® BodyCode® System Method

The BODYCODE  method is a complementary training to the study of both classical and modern / contemporary dance. The practiced exercises allow to obtain a correct posture, more harmonious movements, a stretching of the tendons and muscle fibers, a better respiratory capacity, a better balance and proprioception. Those who practice Bodycode prevents injuries such as sprains, contractures, cramps, etc., prevents misalignments in the skeletal structure, and above all obtains a better performance. One of the best known tools is Masterstrech, a tilting shoe to be used with gymnastic footwear. With Masterstrech you reduce the time to obtain an excellent warm-up and muscle lengthening and above all you strengthen your feet and ankles.It stretches the muscles of the legs, back, calves and ankles, performing a complete stretching of the whole body. It reduces the time to achieve an excellent warm-up and muscle stretch and strengthens the feet and ankles.

Frequency 2 times a month.​

Course suitable for all women and men

Frequency: twice a week (from October to May)


Holistic Morphological Harmonization (AMO) is aimed at all those who suffer from joint or muscle pain and those who wish to give new shape to their posture and stretch their muscles.

The benefits I love it brings are:

• muscle elasticity
• joint mobility
• balance and movement
• fitness
• harmonious posture
• energy and vital charge
• endurance and concentration
• improved breathing • serenity and mindfulness

It is an activity dedicated to people of all ages and physical conditions, suitable for those who practice and do not practice sports.
AMO is a bodywork method and not a therapy.

Cycles of 10 Lessons

Course suitable for all women and men

Frequency: 1 times a week

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